
  • Number and place value
    -Reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers to 10,000,000
    -Calculating intervals across zero
  • Calculating
    -Multiplying four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using long multiplication
    -Dividing four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using long division
    -Identifying common factors, common multiples and prime numbers
    -Solving multi-step problems involving all four operations
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
    -Simplifying fractions
    -Comparing and ordering fractions
    -Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators
    -Multiplying pairs of proper fractions, giving the answer in its simplest form
    -Dividing proper fractions by whole numbers
    -Multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
    -Multiplying one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers
    -Using written division methods in cases where the answer has up to two decimal places
  • Ratio and proportion
    -Finding percentages of amounts
    -Solving problems involving shapes and scale factors
    -Using simple formulae
    -Generating and describing linear number sequences
    -Express missing number problems algebraically
    -Find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns
  • Measurement
    -Converting between units of measurement, using decimal notation up to three decimal places
    -Working out the perimeter and area of shapes (including parallelograms and triangles)
    -Working out the volume of cubes and cuboids
  • Geometry
    -Drawing a 2D shape using given dimensions and angles
    -Finding unknown angles in any triangle, quadrilateral and regular polygon
    -Illustrating and naming parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference
    -Recognizing angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line or are vertically opposite
    -Plotting coordinates on all four quadrants
    -Drawing and translating simple shapes on the coordinate plane and reflecting them in the axes
  • Statistics
    -Interpreting and constructing pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems
    -Calculating and interpreting the mean as an average


  • Reading
    -Significant authors
    -Short stories with flashbacks
    -Biography and autobiography
    -Persuasive writing
    -Poetic imagery
    -Continuing to read an increasingly wide range of fiction, poetry, plays and non-fiction texts
    -Reading fiction texts both modern and old and from other cultures and traditions
    -Preparing poems and plays to read aloud and to perform showing understanding through intonation and volume
    -Inferring characters’ feelings from their actions and justifying inferences with evidence
    -Discussing how authors use figurative language
    -Distinguishing between fact and opinion
  • Writing
    -Using further prefixes and suffixes and understand the guidance for adding them
    -Spelling some words with silent letters
    -Learning the spelling of more difficult homophones (words which sound the same but are spelt differently
    -Using a dictionary and a thesaurus
    -Understanding synonyms and antonyms
    -Writing with neat, legible handwriting and with increasing speed
    -Using the passive to affect the presentation of information in a sentence
    -Using semi-colons, colons, dashes and hyphens
    -Learning to select appropriate grammar and vocabulary
    -Describing settings, characters and atmosphere in narratives
    -Writing dialogue
    -Structuring texts with a range of organisational devices, including time connectives, paragraphs, headings, bullet points, underlining
    -Assessing and improve the effectiveness of their writing